Friday, 14 October 2016

DAY 85

Ooh sht

Bosnia & Herzegovina - Serbia

Although it was beautiful here, I had my first time being a bit scared. Some guy dropped me off in the "highway" in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it was around 16h00 I think. I did not check my water (and food) before leaving and it was kind of a desolated place. If a car came, they would not stop. And there where no houses or what so ever to be seen.
 But after a couple of hours a car stopped .

Two Serbian dudes finally stopped


Happy dance 


Trying to explain how a GoPro works to a Serbian Fisher
Mission Impossible IV 

B o n a
On the right direction 
Serbian Party 

Visengrad, Serbia

Belgrade, Serbia

 A    r     t

Our local Tourguide, what started as a talk on the bus ended up in an afternoon of walking in Belgrade

Millennium Tower, Belgardo

Thug lifeee

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